AVATAR: Movie Review

When Jake Sully’s twin brother is killed, Jake’s identical DNA gets him the opportunity of a lifetime — the chance to take his brother’s place on the mystical world of Pandora, where a corporation is trying to work with the planet’s inhabitants in order to mine a very valuable material. His Marine background doesn’t give him the scientific knowledge that his brother had, and the fact that he is confined to a wheelchair won’t help in the dangerous and exotic environment, but Jake goes to Pandora anyway. His job will be to control an Avatar that looks just like the indigenous people, the Na’vi. The avatar is linked to Jake’s consciousness, and allows him the ability to walk around freely in the Pandora environment.
Jake’s mission, according to Col. Quaritch, is to get close to the Na’vi, learn their ways and gain their trust. When he is thrust into the alarming environment sooner than expected, a spiritual sign to a Na’vi woman, Neytiri, is the only thing that saves him from death — either by her poisonous arrow or by the terrifying creatures that inhabit the land. Neytiri takes Jake to her father, the leader of the Na’vi, and it is decided that he will be allowed to live, and to learn their ways. With the help of scientist Grace, who founded the Avatar program, and her team, Jake lives the life of the Na’vi and returns frequently to report his findings.

Avatar – Guide Review

By far the best animation I have ever experienced, it is easy to believe that the world of Pandora and it’s inhabitants are real. Avatar offers a movie-going experience like no other, and takes animation to a whole new level. The exciting story, amazing animation, and the fact that the movie is marketed to kids through toys and advertisements will have many kids begging to go see this one. The film also contains adult elements, though, including language (several swear words), sensuality, frightening scenes, and heavy violence.
In the world of Pandora, the Na’vi walk around mostly naked, and one “mating” scene occurs which is very sensual. Also, many creatures exist that are terrifying and dangerous. These snarling beasts snap at and chase characters, and in some scenes they kill humans (this occurs during a battle, and associated blood and gore is moderate). The epic battle between the Na’vi and the humans also results in violent bloodshed. Weapons such as gunships, machine guns, gas bombs, spears, arrows, and more are used, and there is also hand-to-hand combat.

~ by Haziah on August 23, 2010.

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